Tuesday 7 February 2012

Snip, snip, snip

If you are anything like me you will remember the first haircut you were given, you may even have had the same cut. Yes, the very fetching pudding bowl, gosh those were such stylish days weren't they...

I remember it so very clearly, being led into the kitchen where the chair awaited me. That was all fine, what scared me though was what else also awaited me, my father with a bowl in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other. I gulped and begged for my sister to go first, which she gladly did, a proper little daddy's girl. She hopped happily into the chair, my father placed the bowl over her head and began snipping. Ooh I thought this is quite fun, nothing to it. So as I sat there swinging my legs in anticipation a god awful scream was let loose in the kitchen. My dad had cut my sisters ear, there was blood, but luckily it wasn't too bad, easy for me to say.

After she was all cleaned up and better my dad moved towards me with a grin. No I thought, he can't be serious, after he's just cut my sisters ear, are you insane! Well he managed to cut some of my hair but I struggled too much and ended up with a lopsided pudding bowl cut, but I was thankful that my ears were left intact.

So fast forward 30 years or so and it was the turn of my eldest son to have his first haircut. He has beautiful curly hair and it was getting so long that it was getting in his eyes, so I decided I would attempt to cut it. I think my son may actually have preferred a pudding bowl because what he is left with makes him resemble a dog with mange. Still, I comfort myself with the fact that it will grow back, mine did.

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