Friday, 10 February 2012

Vegetables and vomit

Well it's Friday night and I was welcomed kicking and screaming into the weekend not by a glass of bubbly or being whisked off to dinner but by my youngest covering me from head to toe in vomit.

Oh my goodness, I didn't think he ate that much! I have just spent the best part of an hour picking up pieces of carrot from underneath the sofa cushions and the smell of vegetable chilli and neonate is stuck up my nostrils. Plus its so cold that the heating is on and it just makes the smell a whole lot worse...

I have no idea why he vomited because he seems perfectly happy and doesn't have a temperature. I hope to heck that its not a bug, I could not cope with the toddler going down as well and I already have all day morning sickness.

On to some good news. It seems that R the toddler has finally overcome his fussy eating habits. I don't really know how it happened it just did, thank god, I had visions of him turning into a piece of bread or pasta but luckily he is now wolfing down his veg and everything that is healthy and delicious, long may it continue!

I hope you have a good weekend and that it got off to a better start that mine...cheers!

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