Wednesday, 13 July 2011

There's certainly never a dull moment with children and husbands

Babies and children are such a worry, and I probably worry more than most, at least that's what my husband says, and my mum oh and my dad too. I just can't help it. I worried before having children and since my first son was born I have been a lot worse. I worry that they don't eat enough, that they eat too much, that they're too hot, too cold, that something terrible will happen to them - like someone breaking in and taking them, being run over, getting a terrible disease - you get the point, and I'm sure I'm not the only mum that's like this. It's weird really because I'm actually a very laid back mum, I just love them beyond all knowing.

Arthur, our youngest, had to have a sweat test last week as the doctor thought he had cystic fibrosis - I wont go in to it all but, as you can imagine, it is the most horrific thing to be told that your child could possibly have a fatal illness. We were beside ourselves with worry and waiting for the test results felt like an eternity. Luckily for us Arthur is absolutely fine (it appears he has a milk/lactose allergy/intolerance). I feel so blessed and relieved but I can't help feeling that someone else's little bundle of love wasn't so lucky.

Husbands. I wonder sometimes whether they actually get it, what it's like to stay at home and look after the children. I'm sure my husband thinks we just snuggle on the sofa watching disney movies, eating cookies and sipping warmed milk all day - if only!

Yesterday, we had a great day; doing silly dances, building towers, knocking them down, reading books, throwing books (whilst still managing to do the washing, clean the kitchen and the downstairs cloakroom, make lunch and dinner etc etc). 6 O'clock comes and I get Rufus his milk and an apple biscuit and get him ready for bed. This is the moment that Arthur decides to scream like a banshee and he wont stop.

I take Rufus to bed and tuck him in and head back downstairs where I can hear Arthur is in full swing. I spend the next three hours trying to sooth him but his feed doesn't even appease him. In this time I try calling my husband, to ask if he could possibly forego his "jazz rehearsal" and come back because Rufus is waking intermittently and Arthur will not stop crying. I must phone twenty times and he doesn't pick up - the git is obviously ignoring me. I manage to send a text, a pleasant one, just asking if he can come home to help as I have had enough and only had two hours sleep the previous reply. So I send another one, a bit stronger than the last, and another, until eventually, at the end of my tether, I send him one telling him he can bloody well sleep in the car tonight! He rocks up at 11pm as if nothing has happened and proceeds to tell me that he found it unpleasant to read my texts! Uhhh OK, you ought to try being with two screaming kids for three hours and then you'll know what unpleasant is!


  1. Oh poor you! Early night tonight. And change your husband's text ringtone to something he CAN'T ignore. The GoCompare song springs to mind...

  2. Well I recorded a minute of Arthur crying last night so I might change his ringtone to that ha ha

  3. Hugs! Not fun at all. I find leaving OH with the kids and just leaving for a few hrs or even the day if you have enough expressed milk (or if not breast feeding then your set). Hand the kids over in the morning and say bye. Go out and have fun. I managed to do this for 3 hrs when my eldest was 4 months old. Came home to a man sat on a chair holding a sleeping baby who had cried herself to sleep in his arms (I have always felt so guilty about this part as I generally managed to keep her settled). He looked as frazzled as I have ever seen him. After that he was much more understanding of what I do all day with the girls. And does his best to do as much as he can around the house/with the kids/ give me a break in general. Might be worth a try. But no pre warning so that he can rope his mother or someone else in to help!

  4. Oh by the way is it lactose or Cows milk protein allergy/intolerance? My girls are allergic to CMP so I can fully understand the problems this can cause.
