Saturday, 4 June 2011

Hair today...not gone tomorrow...

Am I the only one who just doesn't get time to shave (legs, underarms, other...). I feel so grateful when I get the opportunity to shower, yet I just don't seem to have long enough to shave. I do remember this in the early weeks of my first son and I'm not sure why I couldn't find the time then, I mean he slept most of the time really, but this time I have a toddler to contend with too.

Yet I see all these other mummy's and they look amazing, all sparkly and glamorous whereas I have started to resemble Bigfoot (did you see the article in The Mail recently...what can I say).

My eldest son (18 months old) has now taken to lifting up my arm, pulling a disgusted face and then laughing.

Is it just me?


  1. Not at all, me too! Good thing DH doesn't mind or our marriage would have been over 18 months ago lol :)

  2. Dito but eldest is turning 3 next month and youngest is turning 1 in a few days!I thought I'd have got it sussed by now!

  3. I have 7 bratlings, 6 of them living at home. My eldest is 19, my youngest nearly 5. They all go to school and I *still* can't find the time!

  4. Ah I feel so much better now :o)

  5. Ha ha - I totally agree with you on this! And the summer's just about here too which is such hard work when the shorts come out!!

  6. Me too! I have a 6, 4 and 3 year old and work part-time and can never find the time to spend properly on myself. Mums at the school/women at work look lovely....then along comes me... body hair is not the only thing to worry about, I look like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards...if i don't find time to shave regularly I'm never going to make it to the hairdressers...surprised I found the time to write this message lol

  7. This morning my son, 4, said in the car "look I have hair on my legs just like mommy!"

    No Kidding. I need shave pronto. =)

  8. Its definitely not just you! Having a shower is a luxury, shaving your legs, well that's like winning the lotto!!! I bit the bullet and just did it the other day when I started feeling the wind blowing the hairs on my legs. A very strange (and gross) feeling!!!
