Thursday 14 July 2011

Cbeebies and other parenting aids

When I was pregnant with Rufus I swore I wouldn't allow my children to watch TV, they'd be sat with a book or drawing beautiful pictures for yours truly. Fast forward a couple of years and things are somewhat different.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

There's certainly never a dull moment with children and husbands

Babies and children are such a worry, and I probably worry more than most, at least that's what my husband says, and my mum oh and my dad too. I just can't help it. I worried before having children and since my first son was born I have been a lot worse. I worry that they don't eat enough, that they eat too much, that they're too hot, too cold, that something terrible will happen to them - like someone breaking in and taking them, being run over, getting a terrible disease - you get the point, and I'm sure I'm not the only mum that's like this. It's weird really because I'm actually a very laid back mum, I just love them beyond all knowing.