Tuesday, 6 March 2012

When the little things become the big things

Before babies came along, going to bed early with a cup of ovaltine and a good book wasn't really anything special (in fact I probably would have laughed at the suggestion). But now, well I look forward to Tuesdays - husband at band practise and I get to do the above.  Bliss.


  1. I totally agree...peace and quite to have a cuppa or a relaxing bath or just time to read a book is bliss. My little one has been waking up a lot lately - I was hoping by 2 we would have his sleep sorted but he has other plans I think :) Loving the blog and now following on GFC :)

    Laura x

    1. Poor you, I hope your little ones sleep gets back to normal soon. The above is all but a distant memory now that baby number three is here (12 weeks old). The me time I currently get consists of taking a little longer to do the cooking and making up the bottles...thank you so much for following.

      Joanna x
